
The Invented Reality

"A cell stands ou of a molecular soup by defining and specifying boundaries that set it apart from what it is not. However, this specification of boundaries is done through molecular productions made possible through the boundaries themselves. (...)
That the world should have this plastic texture, neither subjective nor objective, not one and separable, neither two and inseparable, is fascinating. It points both to the nature of the process, which we can chart in all of its formality and materiality, as well as to the fundamental limits about what we can understand about ourselves and the world. It shows that reality is not just constructed at our whim, for that would be to assume that there is a starting point we can choose from: inside first. It also shows that reality cannot be understood as given and that we are to perceive it and pick it up, as a recipient, for that would also be to assume a starting point: outside first. It shows, indeed, the fundamental groundlessness of our experience (...)" 1

"Constructivism does not create or explain any reality "out there"; is shows that there is no inside and no outside, no objective world facing the subjective, rather, it shows that the subject-object split, that source of myriads of "realities", does not exist, that the apparent separation of the world into pairs of opposits is constructed by the subject, and that paradox opens the way into autonomy." 2

Franciso Varela (1) e Paul Watzlawick (2) (The Invented Reality)

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